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N/A can have two different meanings. First: not available - not giving information; second: useful expenses - a euphemism for a bribe.
The NDA is an abbreviation for a Non Disclosure Agreement (see also Non Disclosure Agreement) and refers to a confidentiality agreement.
The outsourcing of certain business areas (for example, production or project work) to nearby foreign countries is called nearshoring.
Net assets
Net assets are the sum of all assets of a company (fixed assets + current assets) minus liabilities. In German, net assets are also referred to as net assets.
Net Debt
Net debt is the sum of all financial liabilities less cash and cash equivalents.
Net equity
The equity capital of a company is called net equity.
Net income
Net income is defined as the net profit of a company from sales minus costs, depreciation, interest and taxes.
Net Present Value
The net present value is the present value of an investment. It is determined by discounting the cash flow (see also Cash Flow).
NewCo is an abbreviation for New Company. In an M&A case, this newly founded company serves, for example, to take over the assets of the target company.
Non Disclosure Agreement
A Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) is a non-disclosure agreement that party A has party B (for example, a start-up from a venture capital investor) sign in order to protect their own data against misuse.
The NPV is the short form of the Net Present Value (see also Net Present Value) and describes the present value of an investment after discounting.