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P/E ratio
The P/E ratio is the abbreviation for the so-called price-earning-ratio (see also price-earning-ratio), which describes the price-earnings ratio of a share.
P&L is the short form of a Profit & Loss Statement. This is the profit and loss statement (P&L) of a company.
PAC Man Defence
PAC Man Defence is a defensive measure against a hostile takeover bid in which the target company attempts to acquire a majority stake in the bidder in order to control it.
A superordinate company is called a parent.
Parent guarantee
When a parent company guarantees its subsidiary, this is called a "parent guarantee".
The Payment-in-Child (PIK for short) is a payment in kind instead of a cash benefit.
Penalty is the English term for a contractual penalty.
Percentage of Completion
Depending on the degree of completion of a project, advance payments are made in customer business, which are referred to as percentage of completion. In contrast, Project Completed is the payment of the entire invoice after the project has been handed over.
A pipeline is a list of a company's projects that are in the initiation or preparation phase.
A pitch can be the application of an investment bank, a law firm or a transaction house, e.g. in the context of a beauty contest, or the presentation of a start-up's business idea to venture capitalists.
PMO is an abbreviation for Project Management Office (in German Projektbüro)
Poison pill
A Poison Pill is a defensive measure against a hostile takeover (see also Hostile Takeover).
A portfolio is a collective term for transactions, strategic business units, securities or investments that a company manages or owns.
Portfolio company
A portfolio company is a company that belongs to the portfolio (see also Portfolio) of a company, private equity or venture capital firm.
Post Merger Integration
Post Merger Integration (PMI) refers to implementation and integration measures that take place after closing.
PPP is the abbreviation for Public Private Partnership, which means the cooperation of the public sector with private companies for the realization of infrastructure projects.
Pre Acquisition Audit
A pre-acquisition audit is the procurement of reliable figures in the year of a final audit to prepare the seller for the sale of a business.
Pre-emptive right
The pre-emptive right is the English term for a right of first refusal.
Pre-emptive Subscription Right
The Pre-emptive Subscription Right represents the contractually guaranteed right of a shareholder to subscribe to so many shares that the percentage shareholding in the company is not reduced.
Preferred bidder
A preferred bidder is a designation for a bidder to be preferred after the first purchase offers.
Preferred Stock
Preferred Stock (also called pref. shares) is the English term for preferred shares.
Preliminary Bid
A Preliminary Bid (also called Indicative Bid) is a non-binding offer in an auction.
A prepayment is the repayment of a loan before the agreed due date.
Present value
Present value is the cash value of an investment. The present value is determined by the discounted cash flow (see also Cash Flow).
The price-earning-ratio (P/E ratio for short) is the price-earnings ratio of a share.
Private equity
Private equity is a form of investment in which the investment is not tradable on stock exchanges.
Private equity firm
A private equity firm is a company that sets up a private equity fund (see also Private Equity Fund).
Private equity fund
A private equity fund is an asset (the fund) that was raised by a private equity firm (see also Private Equity Firm).
Private limited company
The Private Limited Company is a limited liability company of the Anglo-Saxon type.
Private M&A
Private M&A refers to the merger or takeover of companies that are not listed on the stock exchange.
Private placement
A private placement is understood to be the private placement of securities without a prospectus audited by the supervisory authorities.
Process letter
The schedule of an investment bank with the essential steps of a company sale process is called Process Letter.
Profit & Loss Pooling Agreement
The Profit & Loss Pooling Agreement is the English term for a profit transfer agreement.
Profit & Loss Statement
The Profit & Loss Statement (P&L for short) is the English term for the profit and loss account.
Profit participation right
Profit participation rights are a mixture of equity and debt capital and secures the participation in net profit without voting rights or other rights.
The provisions on the liabilities side of the balance sheet for contingent liabilities are called commissions.
Public M&A
Public M&A refers to those M&A transactions that are based on public takeovers or securities issues. Public M&A is therefore to be distinguished from private M&A (see also Private M&A).
Public offer
A public offer is the offer of securities to a broad public (usually based on a detailed prospectus).
Public private partnership
The term public-private partnership (PPP) refers to the cooperation between the public sector and private companies to implement infrastructure projects.
The term public-to-private means the withdrawal of a listed company from the stock exchange.
Put option
For example, a put option (in English sales right) describes the possibility of selling an asset to a defined buyer at a predetermined price.