You are the owner of a medium-sized company and are thinking about selling your business? However, you have not yet dealt with the subject of company valuation in detail and are therefore unable to calculate the company value or estimate the purchase price with sufficient accuracy? Or are you a strategic investor who is wondering how much the target company should cost at most to make the purchase profitable?
The basis for answering all these questions and for any further consideration is the professional determination of an objective, market-oriented company value. Valuing a company is a very complex undertaking and usually cannot be done by a simple company value calculator. This should only be entrusted to a corporate finance advisor who has extensive expertise and several years of experience. This is the only way to reliably avoid misjudgments.
Many years of investment banking experience
Corporate Finance Mittelstandsberatung GmbH has carried out numerous company valuations in its company history, which have been recognised as fair and independent by buyers and sellers alike. Our team at CF-MB has many years of investment banking experience and knows that each company is individual. If you are interested in selling your business, we will develop a fully integrated financial model based on your company-specific financial ratios. Based on this data, CF-MB will then prepare a company valuation tailored to your company. In doing so, we take into account both the specifics of your company and the general and industry-specific market development.
Objective company valuation
In order to calculate a current, market-oriented company value, our experts use globally recognized methods for company valuation, such as the discounted cash flow (DCF) method and the multiplier method. As a matter of principle, a similar enterprise value should be determined for each method of company valuation. With the multiplier method, the company value is determined using multiples or multipliers. Here, important key figures of the company to be valued, such as sales, EBIT (Earnings Before Interest and Taxes) or EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Amortization and Depriciation) are set in relation to the enterprise value. The enterprise value determined using a multiplier enables an industry-specific valuation and better comparability of the company.
The DCF method, on the other hand, is a more detailed valuation method, in which the future free cash flows of the company are discounted (discounted) using a weighted cost of capital rate. In the DCF method, a business plan is developed for the company in an integrated planning model. This allows company-specific features to be taken into account in the valuation. The bottom line is a precise, independent and objective company valuation.
The security of our clients' data as well as absolute discretion is of paramount importance to us. Both are top priority at CF-MB.
Your advantages at a glance:
- Comprehensive experience in the valuation of companies
- Use of current, globally recognised evaluation methods
- Creation of a fully integrated financial model
- Independent and objective assessment of your company value
- Discretion and security of your data